,,dulu ak sekolah kat teknik melaka tengah (f0rm4 untiL f0rm5),,time mula2 masuk kt sekolah 2,first impression ak mmg hbs la ak,tmpat die agak seram r,huhu,,hostel die lama gile,,yg kt bawah ni pndangan kt hostel,,
,,first night ak kt hostel 2,,ak baring kt katil,ak t'tiba b'fikir,ak asyik main2 dlm plajaran,mmy daddy ak byk b'k0rban demi ak,dgn future ak lagi smpai mngalir air mata ak,,huhu,,alhmdllh,lps 2,ak try stdy,tuhan tlg tnjukkn ak jln,,ak dulu ambik ciViL engiNeerinG (4pka2),ak minat gile subject ni :D,tp xde r score mane pn,,haha,,stiap exam ak slalu dpt n01 dlm kelas,ak igt lagi time mid-exam,ak dpt n02 k0wt,ak mnangis2 k0wt c0z x dpt n01,mcm2 ak fikir,ak tkt mmy ddy ak marah aku la,haha,,last final exam ak dpt balik n01 dlm kls,,rangking skolah t0p5,,alhmdllh,,sukan ak amek rugby, and aku libatkn diri dalam nasyid/nazam smpai prngkat negeri,best gile libatkn diri dalam k0k0,,then ak dilantik jd pngawas sek0lah dan asrama,,ser0n0k gile k0wt live jd pngawas ni,,lg2 dpt mmber2 yg gila2 :D,,ni sahabat2 ak time prefect dulu :)
[ni pulak pic pngawas asrama :D
(duduk*2 dari kanan)]
[time ni kt dalam d0rm,,(ak yg blah kanan skali) :D
(3 dari kiri its me)]
[yg ni plk time hari jumaat smua student d'wajibkn stiap pagi baca yassin,,tp kiteorg kt luar smpat amek pic :D]
[heLmi,ipin,aku,saLihin :D]
[2 dari kanan atas sekali :D]
[time ak f0rm 5 ak d'masukkn dlm kelas 5besTari,,kelas eLiT k0n0nnye la,,ad air-c0nd smpai mid-sem je k0wt,ak pn dh x bape igt,lpas tu kena tanggalkn psl ape ntah,,huhu,,tp best dieorng ni,,mcm2 gelagat,,]
[pic ni time kite0rang kt sek0lah teknik rembau k0wt,,ni budak2 berlian dan delima k0n0nye duTa sek0Lah bak kate ckgu,,huhu,,tp result spm ak,aduh,,hncur ,,sedih ak,,tp xpe la,,mngkin bukan rezeki ak nk dpt result yg cemerlang,,byk lagi ak nk share dgn k0rang life ak kt technic,tp xpe la,,mngkn ad masa nnt,ak share ye :),,ape2 hal,,ak sygkn kwn2 ak c0z
a good friend provides you a safe space to share your deepest thoughts and needs without worry of being judged, criticized or made to feel silly for feeling the way you do. Friends cheer each other on, laugh and cry together, and just plain commiserate and listen to each other.
That's why friends are friends rite....
and friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything :)
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